The GC350 offers an outstanding remote technology, up to 300 yards with no line-of sight required to activate the main speaker unit. The ability for a hunter to remain still and camouflaged the best they can is crucial to being more successful at hunting keen predators. The remote control also has the ability to activate an electronic decoy that can plug into the main speaker unit, giving the hunter another edge over the predator. Suggested product ICOtec AD400 decoy.
Programmability is made easy with the new GC350. All calls are loaded and played directly from a standard size Class 4 SD Media Card. Any custom audio file saved as a .mp3 or a .wav (16 bit or less) file format can be played by the GC350. ICOtec has an exclusive FREE audio call library that is accessible from our website. All free calls are encrypted and playable ONLY by an ICOtec programmable caller.
The unit requires 4 AA (1.5 volt batteries) and the remote requires one 23A 12 volt battery. AA batteries not included. USB connection cable is included. Windows PC computer downloads recommended. Light weight, compact, easy to operate, fantastic quality audio calls, very long range remote, low power consumption and one of the lowest prices available for a great programmable call. The ICOtec GC350 is how predator calling was intended to be. Dead Serious!